Spotted lanternflies have threatened the ecosystem and agriculture in Pennsylvania since they were first detected in September 2014. If you have spotted lanternflies on your property, you will likely find sooty mold on your porch caused by their honeydew, which is the sticky residue that these invasive pests leave behind. The sticky mess also attracts other insects and pests, creating an even bigger problem for you.
Adding a screen enclosure to your home will protect your living spaces from these pesky pests and allow you to still enjoy outdoor views from your patio.
How to Spot a Lanternfly
Lanternflies are native to Asia, and part of their threat comes from the lack of natural predators in the U.S. This makes it easier for their population to increase. Early detection can help limit their rapid spread, which is why being able to identify this species when you come across it is essential. Here are three things to look out for:
- Appearance: Adult lanternflies have gray forewings and wing tips with black spots of various sizes. Their hindwings have black and red patches with a white band. These insects have black heads and legs and yellow abdomens with black bands. Small nymphs hatch from lanternfly egg masses, and they vary in appearance depending on the stage they are in. Young nymphs are small black insects with white spots, and in the final stage, they are red with black stripes and white dots.
- Seasonality: Egg masses can be found from late fall to early spring. Adult lanternflies are usually seen from July until December.
- Locations: Lanternflies can currently be found in 14 states, including Pennsylvania, Indiana, Connecticut, Delaware and Maryland, to name a few.

Where Do Lanternflies Dwell?
Lanternflies can be found infesting fruit trees, plants, vineyards and crops. Their preferred tree to feed on is the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), which is also an invasive species.
Spotted lanternfly egg masses can stick to most hard surfaces, including fence posts, lawn furniture, patio furniture and play equipment. You can also find this pest hanging under your roof or in awnings. Before you travel, inspecting your belongings and car for lanternflies to minimize their spread is important.
How to Keep Away Lanternflies
Screen enclosures create a layer of protection between the outdoors and your home while giving you full visual access. Adding a reliable and tough screen enclosure to your porch or patio can help prevent lanternflies from invading your space. Lanternflies will also no longer be able to dwell on your interior roofing and awnings.
A screen enclosure will allow you to enjoy your backyard without a lanternfly infestation compromising your space’s comfort. These enclosures provide you and your family with a comfortable environment to be immersed in the beauty of the outdoors.
If you already have a screen porch or enclosure but still see these invasive pests, you likely have a problem with the installation or construction. You must ensure that your screen enclosure is designed with solid materials and was properly installed to keep lanternflies out.
Book an Appointment for a Screen Enclosure Consultation
Prevent lanternflies from living on your porch by installing a screen enclosure from PAsunrooms. Our screen enclosures are made of a tough, dependable extruded aluminum structure that is insect-resistant. They also have fiberglass insect screens to keep pests out. We offer screen enclosures in various sizes to fit your home and budget. View our installation locations today and see if we service your area!
If you want to enjoy a positive outdoor experience on your porch or patio without lanternflies in Central PA, call us at 717-563-2244 or fill in the online form to book an appointment with PAsunrooms today.